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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Barbecue contest

Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Barbecue contest
Which team serves grills the fastest and most creative? If you want to win the competition, you have to be clever.

The team competition

Each team, consisting of ten people, has the same mission: Who beats the competition and prepares a barbecue faster, better and more creatively than the others?
Before the food can be procured, each team has to earn so-called "BBQ-Taler" in skill games like "horseshoe throwing" or "nailing". This is where the amount of your budget for purchasing is determined.

Afterwards, the teams organize themselves and assign various tasks: Who is responsible for purchasing? Who is responsible for the preparations in the kitchen? Who will be the grill chef? Someone also has to take care of the buffet, seating and decoration.

Afterwards we will go shopping at the "food stand". Whoever reaches the shop the quickest can win additional "BBQ-Taler" and increase the purchasing budget.

Depending on speed and skill, the teams buy different types of food: The nimble ones will put a filet, the slow ones e.g. a bratwurst on the grill.

The Barbecue

After the "shopping" the preparation of the meals begins for the teams: salads, sauces, antipasti, side dishes and of course the grills. And again, "competition" is the order of the day: depending on how quickly, lovingly and creatively the teams as a whole have prepared their BBQ, our jury will finally reward them with drinks with their meal. The fastest and most creative team drinks champagne, the other teams drink prosecco.

In the end, all teams are of course allowed to help themselves to all dishes at a large buffet. Or alternatively, just like in real life, each team will be rewarded with the food that the team has earned at the BBQ-Contest.

Size of group

15 to 100 people


around 4 h


all year round


All of Switzerland and abroad


German, English

Costs [CHF]

excl. 8.1% VAT
up to 22 pers. 2,900.00  flat-rate
from 23 pers. 130.00  /pers.
from 30 pers. 127.00  /pers.
from 40 pers. 125.00  /pers.
from 50 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Customized program
-   Qualified trainers and supervisors
-   All materials, equipment and decoration
-   All material and personnel transport
-   Reconnaissance costs

Not included

-   Beverages
-   Possible rent of a locality

Optional extras

-   Overnight stay of the participants
-   Fun Olympiads, raft building, treasure hunt etc.

Customers' views on this offer

Bernhard Hohl, HCI Solutions


Organisation war professionell und unkompliziert. Super Stimmung, Erwartungen wurden übertroffen.

Bettina Weich, Acronis International GmbH


this was a very good event - a wonderful place, good food. we are very grateful for fantastic weather. the team were very very helpful and managed the event professionally and with a lot of human touch, which made our evening a thing to remember.

many thanks!!

Barbara Lustenberger, Infront Sports & Media


Everything went very well with the Barbecue contest. The event company was very professional and had everything organized perfectly - there was no stress or worry from our end. Best of all, our participants really enjoyed the event and it was a great way to start our workshop. Many thanks!

Anita Sieber, Etimark AG


Der Anlass war ein Erfolg! Allen Teilnehmern hat der Tag sehr gut gefallen - dass der Rhein für's Rafting leider wenig Wasser geführt hat, dafür können Sie ja nichts... Die Betreuung war sehr professionell.

Manuela Rometsch, Credit Suisse AG


Der Event hat mir als auch meinen Kollegen grosse Freude bereitet. Der Teameinsatz war sehr gross. Trotz des Regenwetters war Stimmung immer sehr gut. Das Einzige was ggf. verbessert werden könnte, ist, dass bei Eintreffen der Teilnehmer ein kleiner Apéro vor den Spielen serviert wird, dazu kleine Häppchen gereicht, da die Teilnehmer bereits mit einem riesen Hunger eintreffen.

Natascha Notter, Helsana


Vielen herzlichen Dank für den gelungenen Anlass den wir mit unserem neuen Bereich erlebt haben. Das Zubereiten des Abendessen hat allen riesigen Spass gemacht.

Marc Suess, Waser Bürocenter AG


Der Event war ein voller Erfolg! Vielen Dank für die super Organisation, sympathische Durchführung und die einmalige Wahl der Location. Auch die Verbindung zu Petrus scheint geklappt zu haben. Gratulation!

Margrit Baur, Allianz Suisse


Es war ein gelungener Anlass mit viel Spass. Die Auslosung der Gruppen förderte den Teamgeist und somit konnten auch neue Kontakte geknüpft werden. Das Wetter hat ebenfalls mitgespielt.

Vanessa Züger, Credit Suisse


Gestern fand der Barbecue Contest statt. Der Event wird uns in sehr guter Erinnerung bleiben, es war wirklich ein perfekter Tag!

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