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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Indoor agent hunting team game

Indoor agent hunting  team game
Indoor agent hunting  team game
Indoor agent hunting  team game
Indoor agent hunting  team game
Indoor agent hunting  team game
Indoor agent hunting  team game
Immerse yourself in an action-packed escape game and work as a team to destroy a dangerous virus that threatens the world.

One team, one game and one countdown that's on

An escape game is played in which the participants slip into the role of secret agents. Their goal: To save the world infected with a virus. But this requires brains, because only those who solve the tricky puzzles have a chance to find the antidote and prevent the catastrophe. The best way to do this is through teamwork. Each team is made up of five to eight agents. The game is played indoors, only one table and the corresponding number of chairs are needed per team. In addition, each agent team is equipped with a tablet and a notepad. After the briefing the game can start: Who will find out where the Aston Martin is? Who manages to hack into the server room? Perceptiveness, powers of deduction, enthusiasm for the game and team spirit are required to get ahead in the action-packed augmented reality game. And don't forget: The time is running! A huge stopwatch shows the passing time. At the end of the game the best agents are honoured and receive the coveted "agent trophy". The winning team can be photographed by the organizer if desired.

You choose the location and we provide the entertainment

The indoor escape game can be played with up to 500 players. The required infrastructure is limited to one table per agent team and one chair for each team member. The game can be perfectly integrated into every imaginable occasion, whether between the courses of a meal, as a diversion at a training event or as part of a company celebration. In any case, excitement and good entertainment are guaranteed.
An experienced moderator leads through the game. The briefing at the beginning and the award ceremony at the end each take about 10 minutes.

Size of group

20 to 500 people


around 1.5 h


all year round


All of Switzerland


German, French, English

Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
up to 49 pers. 1,800.00  flat-rate
50 - 100 pers. 39.00  /pers.
101 - 200 pers. 36.00  /pers.
201 - 300 pers. 33.00  /pers.
301 - 500 pers. 30.00  /pers.

Included in the price

-   Tablet with notepad and mission briefing
-   Technical equipment (beamer and microphone)
-   Event manager and moderator
-   Indoor spy hunting as described
-   Winner's trophy

Not included

-   food and drink
-   Directions moderator (CHF 50.00/h for manpower, CHF 0.76/km)
-   Local search and rent (if no local is known)

Customers' views on this offer

Lorenz Jenk, Ypsomed AG


Der Anlass war ein voller Erfolg. Alle Teilnehmer waren begeistert und obwohl es draussen recht kalt war, konnten alle Spieler die Agentenjagd geniessen und abschliessen. Die Spielführung mit dem Tablet war einfach und intuitiv. Alle wussten zu jedem Zeitpunkt was zu tun war und wohin man laufen musste.
Vielen Dank für die tolle Idee und geniale Umsetzung!

Patrick Albiker, Alters- und Pflegeheim Brüggli


Es war ein genialer Anlass, welcher auch sehr sympathisch begleitet wurde. Ich persönlich würde kleinere Gruppengrössen machen, da alle auf das selbe Tablet schauen müssen (optimal 4 Personen). Herzlichen Dank und beste Grüsse

Miriam Gösi, Arbeitslosenversicherung des Kantons Bern


Das Spiel hat (fast) allen Spass gemacht. Die meisten meiner Gruppen waren 8 Personen, das fand ich persönlich etwas schwierig, da ja fast die ganze Zeit alle auf das Display des Tablets gucken wollen. Grundsätzlich ist es ein optimales Erlebnis um die Leute zum zusammen arbeiten zu bringen und ohne grosse Vorstellungsrunde einfach loszulegen.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit den Verantwortlichen hat in allen Belangen einwandfrei funktioniert.

"Es war ein genialer Anlass!"

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