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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

painting event creative workshop

painting event creative workshop
painting event creative workshop
painting event creative workshop
painting event creative workshop
painting event creative workshop
painting event creative workshop
Let your creativity run free for an evening and create a work of art with your team, to which each member contributes an independent part.

Creative hours in a team

Whether you need a colorful decoration for the grey office wall or simply want to be creative together: During an art evening with brushes and paint, you can escape from everyday life, let off steam creatively, get to know each other from a new perspective and have a team experience that will bond you together for a long time. It's not about who paints the most beautifully or finishes their work the fastest. The focus of this event is on having fun together and the overall work of art, consisting of the contributions of all participants.

Procedure and motif

A professional artist comes to the location of your choice with brushes, paints, canvases and an easel and looks after you throughout the evening. You have chosen a suitable motif from the motif catalog in advance or developed a motif yourself. This could be a portrait or a caricature of the boss, a nude model posing for you or a completely different subject. Each team member then throws themselves into the creative process. The pictures come together to form a complete work of art that you can proudly take back to the company.

Possible locations and supporting program

The art evening can take place in your office or in another location. Let us help you find the right location and combine the creative hours with a meal in a great restaurant!

Size of group

8 to 500 people


around 2 h


all year round


All of Switzerland


German, French, English, Italian

Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
Up to 10 pers. 680.00  flat-rate
Each additional person 68.00  /pers.
Location search 250.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Support and inspiration from artists
-   1 canvas per person (30 x 40 cm)
-   High-quality paints, brushes, easel

Not included

-   Outward and return journey
-   Consumption on site

Optional extras

-   Individual motif
-   Nude model
-   Snacks, food and drinks
-   Local research

Customers' views on this offer

Beatriz Hermida, ISS Facility Services AG


Super toller Event - hat sehr viel Spass gemacht. Tolle Einführung und Erklärung zum Malen. Vanessa war sehr gut vorbereitet und hat uns richtig gut durch den Abend geführt und begleitet. 100% empfehlenswert - würden es sofort wieder machen. Vielen Dank für diese tolle Erfahrung.

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Team Events