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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Pottery the personal cup

Pottery the personal cup
Pottery the personal cup
Pottery the personal cup
Pottery the personal cup
Pottery the personal cup
Pottery the personal cup
While pottering your personalized mug, you and your team will spend an unforgettable creative time out.

Your own personal cup

A cup is not just a cup. A cup can be large or small, high or deep, round or square. It can be thick-walled or thin-walled and may or may not have a handle, and the handle itself can have all sorts of shapes. There are cups that are more suitable for coffee, and cups for tea. How should your own personal cup be designed? Go to the pottery workshop and find out in the course of the creative process. Creating something with your own hands is a great break from the office routine and a wonderful way to spend some relaxing time with your team beyond meetings and deadlines.

Creative time out for yourself and the team

During the pottery team building event, you will be guided by professionals in making your mug. The pottery workshop is a place to slow down, and the workshop is your chance to take time for yourself and express your individuality. In addition to your own creative work, the workshop is also about being part of a team and building team spirit. It is fun to make something beautiful and useful together for coffee or tea breaks. Each participant can potter at least one cup.

Aperitif in the pottery workshop

It is possible to organise an Apero that will be consumed during the event. With wine, soft drinks and delicious finger foods.

Size of group

6 to 16 people


2-3 h


all year round


Zurich Distanz show map



Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
Cup pottery
Workshop (2 hrs.) 135.00  /pers.
Apéro 32.00  /pers.

Included in the price

-   Pottery workshop rent
-   On site support
-   All material needed
-   Workplace and tools
-   1 individual cup per person
-   Tea and coffee

Not included

-   Outward and return journey

Customers' views on this offer

Ellen Richters, Kinderparadies


Schöner Event, gute Einführung ins Töpfern und aufmerksame Betreuerin.

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Team Events