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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

team welding workshop

team welding workshop
team welding workshop
team welding workshop
team welding workshop
team welding workshop
team welding workshop
team welding workshop
A workshop for teams and humor training. Take some inspiring time out to meet each other in a new way.

More humor for your team

Teams with a sense of humor have been proven to have fewer conflicts and fewer cases of bullying. What about you? Do you laugh together or could the team do with a little more humor? In this workshop, you will train together in humor. The humor training will bring your team together in the long term and give you the tools you need to deal with difficult situations in a more relaxed manner in the future.

Aims and content of the workshop

What is humor and how does it manifest itself? The humor test allows you to get to know yourself and your team from a new perspective. You will discover the different types of communication in the team and your own way of communicating, listening and empathizing. Together with your colleagues, you will learn how to use humor to refine everyday life. Look forward to the following content and topics:

  • The different types of communication in a team
  • Strategies for more understanding and empathy
  • Supporting and motivating one another
  • Communicating with humor
  • Integrating what you have learned into everyday life

Your workshop leader

An expert in business humor and communication, she studied German language and literature at the University of Zurich, was a secondary school teacher and university lecturer, worked in a theater and was a freelance journalist and author. After further training at the Anthony Robbins Leadership University and the Tamala humor school in Constance, among others, she became a trainer and coach in 2004. Her clients include insurance companies, banks, universities and personalities from the fields of sport, education and management.


Size of group

8 to 50 people


1-3 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

Workshop, approx. 1 hour.
8-30 pers. 1,000.00  flat-rate
31-50 pers. 1,500.00  flat-rate
51-200 pers. 2,000.00  flat-rate
201-1000 pers. on demand
Workshop, 2 to 3 hours.
From 8 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Individual preparation
-   Management of the workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses of the workshop leader
-   Possible local rent

Customers' views on this offer

Irene Müller, Flachglas (Schweiz) AG


Liebe Frau Kamerolli. Der Teil von Barbara Stauffer an unserem Kaderseminar zum Thema "der Mut zu Humor" hat unsere Erwartungen voll getroffen und sehr zum ganzen Anlass gepasst. Barbara Stauffer hat ein abwechslungsreiches Programm zusammengestellt, hat uns zum Mitmachen animiert, aus vielen persönlichen Erlebnissen erzählt, wertvolle Tipps mitgegeben und eine gute Dokumentation verteilt. Sie hat uns zum Lachen, aber auch zum Nachdenken gebracht und uns aufgezeigt, wie wir Humor in unseren Alltag einbauen und wie wir mit den verschiedenen Humortypen umgehen. Danke Barbara Stauffer für dieses Erlebnis. Herzliche Grüsse Irene Müller / Flachglas (Schweiz) AG

Kathrin Stuck, St.Gallischer Hilfsverein SGHV


Der Workshop war eine Bereicherung zu Teambildung und zukünftige Zusammenarbeit im Team. Wir hatten die Chance, uns im Team auf humorvolle Art und Weise besser und anders kennenzulernen und mehr Vertrauen in uns und unserem Gegenüber zu wecken. Besten Dank.

Corinne Erni, Schule Schwarzenberg


Der Event war sehr inspirierend. Die Referentin strotzte vor Energie und hat uns einen wunderbaren, humorvollen Nachmittag ermöglicht. Es hat Spass bereitet und hat Ideen für die Zukunft gebracht. Herzlichen Dank.

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